Monday, 3 October 2016

WIP: Forgeworld 28mm Elysian 'Tauros' assault vehicle...

...I very rarely venture into Games Workshop's very gothic styled 40K universe these days but I've always liked Forgeworld's Elysian Drop Troops and still have quite a few stashed away. Included within that stash are three of their dedicated vehicles - one 'Tauros' and two' Tauros Venators' - which I've had since they were first released several years ago. Although built quite a while back I've never got around to adding paint until last week. These are stunning little models, wonderfully designed, engineered and cast (yes, wonderfully cast Forgeworld models!) in resin that can be a little fiddly to build (particularly the very detailed undercarriage) but have no major fit issues and look great when finally built. Here's the 'Tauros' so far...(I'm so pleased with these that I've ordered a Valkyrie 'Sky Talon' to carry one of the 'Venators'!).


  1. Ooooh. As the owner of a couple of those, I really like yours.

    Looking forward to seeing your Sky Talon, I wasn't that brave.

  2. Thanks Z! Sky Talon is built and awaiting primer...

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