The miniature has been painted with two, very thin coats of Games Workshop's Dwarf Flesh. The thin paint has acted as a wash and flowed into the depressions of the sculpt and left the Lt. Grey primer showing through and delineating the highlight areas.
All the edges of the shirt have been lined with GW's Ogryn Flesh wash and then Devlan Mud wash has been used in the darker shadow areas.
Painting these areas has really showcased the quality of the sculpt. If I remember correctly Kev sculpted the torso and cross-belts then added the shirt from very thin sheets of Greenstuff. Bloody amazing!
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ReplyDeleteCheck out AP Class 12 Textbooks and Study Materials 2021. Due to the present situation of corona and lockdown, children will have more time to learn new things. Intermediate students who have to learn for the coming competitive exams like EAMCET, NEET, JEE, BIT SAT, etc. Students can learn from home the concepts and lessons by the links given below. So, in our Exam Updates website, we are going to provide the AP Intermediate 2nd Year Textbooks, AP Intermediate Book Pdf Study Materials, Study Books, Reference Books. Board of Intermediate Education of Andhra Pradesh (BIEAP) announces the standard textbooks of Inter 2nd Year in online and offline mode. Students can download the E-Books PDF from the official website. Scroll down to view the information regarding AP Class 12 Textbooks.