Friday, 1 November 2013

The 'Draconus' Class Interceptor...

...has taken me out of my comfort zone - while I'm trying very hard to ignore all the wonderful new figures/vehicles being released in 15mm (desist Mr. H.) and move back up to 28mm and above (1/35 - 1/20) somebody sends me a 'freebie' sample from a new range he's producing and not only is it not my usual fayre it's even smaller than 15mm! The somebody being Alan from White Dragon Miniatures  (home of the 'Fiddler' featured below) and the subject of my discomfort (and eye-strain) is this beautifully designed (by Mr Steve 'Coolhand' Tyler) and cast (resin) space craft. I don't know an awful lot about the new range and I'm not sure of the scale (this is about 2" long) or when it will be available but suffice to say that the example I have is so nice I couldn't resist giving it a go.
I don't think my paint job is perfect by any means ( have a look at Bulldog's work or Steve's and you'll see what I mean) but have a look anyway.


  1. Well, I haven't yet looked at the others you mention, but to me this is exceptional!

  2. "beautifully designed and cast (resin) space craft."

    Ahem, *cough, splutter*

  3. haha - didn't know until yesterday that this was one of yours, Steve. Post has now been edited!
