Saturday 29 September 2012

Wow! Can't wait for this to be released...

...he'll look great alongside the Caiman!

more pics on Hasslefree's Facebook page.

Thursday 27 September 2012

Mantic Warpath Enforcers...

...arrived on my doorstep today. Only had a quick look but they look great except...
a lot of the leg parts (at least 50% and probabley more) have damage to the waist area were the 'belt' is missing lengths in several places around the waist. I can repair them or hide the gaps with ammo packs etc but it's very, very disappointing.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

WIP: Khurasan 28mm Caiman...

...added a few decals, sourced from 1/35 Hasegawa Machinen Krieger kits, mostly to add a splash of colour to the monochrome grey. The Caiman was airbrushed with a thin coat of gloss varnish, decals added using Microset and Microsol setting solution, gloss varnished once more before a coat of dullcote.


Monday 24 September 2012

WIP: Khurasan 28mm Caiman APC...

...lined and edged and some scratches and chips added. A little more detail painting next while I ponder adding decals.

Saturday 22 September 2012

WIP: Khurasan 28mm Caiman... a monochrome scheme. Base-coat airbrushed followed by a bit of 'Zenithal' highlighting.

6x6x2 cont'd...

...with the detail lined and edged to 'pop' it out. A little more detail painting then it will be filters and weathering.

Thursday 20 September 2012

My painting time of late...

...has been seriously curtailed by a pressing family matter hence the earlier post "half-hour here..." and that's still pretty much the situation. I have though, in those "half-hours" done a little work on a couple of 15mm vehicles. Here's some WIP pics of Antenociti's 15mm Zebu Cruiser and the two variants (so far) of the Kabardin APC painted in a NRF scheme

Saturday 15 September 2012

DreamForge Kickstarter: Last day...

...and the $165 stretch goal attained! Mark has created a 'thankyou' for his Kickstarter backers, an "exclusive character miniature..." in plastic!

Thursday 13 September 2012

DreamForge Kickstarter: APC... a reality. We need a few more pledges to release the ten, seated troopers to give the APC a full troop compartment!...

Tuesday 11 September 2012

DreamForge Kickstarter - last 4 days...

...and if it tempts you to sign-up and help the APC become a reality (because I'd really like one) I'll run a little comp for the blog followers (as they are to date) and paint an APC for free as a prize.

Friday 7 September 2012

Half-hour here, half-hour there... all I've had this last week for painting - not enough time to finish some of the lengthier, on-going projects for the two J's so I thought I'd pick up something of mine that's been sitting on the desk for a while. The figure is Hasslefree's (Grymn) Walker pilot. He'll be based with the Walker once it's finished.


DreamForge Kickstarter - 8 days to go...

...and look at this!!

Want!! Here's Mark's reasoning for the design...